what is


Reiki therapy is based on an Eastern belief that vital energy flows through your body. The idea is that a Reiki practitioner uses gentle touch -- or places their hands just above your body -- to help guide this energy in a way that promotes balance and healing. During the session, we will work through Physical, Emotional and Spiritual fields for the client.

Energy healing targets the flow of energy and removes blockages. Improving the flow of energy in and around the body can enable relaxation, reduce pain, speed healing, and reduce other symptoms of illness.

Each session begins with a guided meditation, body scan and then energy treatment areas.


Reiki is an ancient Japanese modality of energy work that promotes deep relaxation, wellness, personal growth and spiritual growth. “Rei” means universal. “Ki” means life force or life energy. So, Reiki means universal life force or universal life energy. Reiki is universal energy that comes from Source or Higher Power through the practitioner to the recipient. Practitioners do not give away their own energy. The energy comes through them.

Reiki works with your biofield energy. So what is the biofield? It is a large field of energy that surrounds and extends out from the body about 8 feet. No part of the energy system is visible to the human eye but the biofield can be felt with the hands, often through either pressure or temperature changes. Biofield therapies are defined as approaches which work directly with the subtle energy field that surrounds the body. The subtle energy system is made up of three components: meridians, chakras, and the biofield or aura. Reiki Masters work on your biofield to support your needs physically, emotionally and spiritually.


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